Wire Transfer

Thank you for your purchase!

Your order has been successfully recorded; you choose to pay with bank wire transfer, therefore it will be processed manually, as soon as we receive your payment.

Company Name: Delivery Tech Corp.
Company Address: 4411 Morena Blvd #230 San Diego, CA 92117
Bank Account: 610777168
Routing: 322271627
Swift: CHASUS33
Bank: Chase,

Please send a copy of your bank wire trasfer document to:
e-mail: bank@labeljoy.com

If you do not receive a confirmation email from us, please check your spam, bulk or junk mail folders.
Please remember to insert your order number when paying with your bank account, in order for us to recognize your payment.

Please note that international bank payments usually need 4 to 6 days to credit the money; as soon as your money is funded in our bank account we will send you the registration codes for the products you purchased and the invoice for your payment.