Automatic element positioning

This page refers to Labeljoy 5, which is not the latest release!

Please upgrade to Labeljoy 6 to get the latest version of the software with all its amazing features, or go to Labeljoy 6 user guide if you already own it.

automatic element positioning

During the editing phase it is often necessary to position elements relative to the size and position of other elements. The Element settings menu provides access a series of functions that enable you to move and resize elements quickly and automatically.

For example, if you have selected several elements on a label by right-clicking one of them (or by clicking the Element settings icon), the element settings menu is displayed. The lower section displays 4 categories of actions that can be performed to achieve automatic positioning and/or resizing.

The Align menu provides access to the following commands:

  • Left: aligns elements to the left border of the last selected element.
  • Right: aligns elements to the right border.
  • Horizontal: aligns element by centering them horizontally.
  • Top: aligns elements to the top border.
  • Bottom: aligns elements to the bottom border.
  • Vertical: aligns element by centering them vertically.

The Same size menu provides access to the following commands:

  • Width: makes the width equal for all selected elements.
  • Height: makes the height equal for all selected elements.
  • Both: makes both width and height equal for all selected elements.

The Align and Same size menus enable you to act on multiple selected elements to change position and size. To select more than one element, click the elements while holding the CTRL key.
The modifications will be applied by using the coordinates of the last selected element as reference.

The Center menu provides access to the following commands:

  • Horizontal: center elements horizontally within the label (for label elements) or the page (for page elements).
  • Vertical: center elements vertically within the label (for label elements) or the page (for page elements).
  • Both: center elements both horizontally and vertically within the label (for label elements) or the page (for page elements).

The Move to menu provides access to the following commands:

  • Left border: moves the selected element(s) so that the element left border is aligned with the label left border (or the page left border for page elements).
  • Right border: moves the selected element(s) so that the element right border is aligned with the label right border (or the page right border for page elements).
  • Top border: moves the selected element(s) so that the element top border is aligned with the label top border (or the page top border for page elements).
  • Bottom border: moves the selected element(s) so that the element bottom border is aligned with the label bottom border (or the page bottom border for page elements).
  • Width: resizes the element so that its width becomes as large as the label width (paper width for page elements).
  • Height: resizes the element so that its height becomes as large as the label height (paper height for page elements).
  • Both: resizes the element so that both its width and height become as large as the label width and height (paper width and height for page elements).